Put No One Before You

In the Beginning
The Symbol of Life

You Are Number One   

Put no one before God means simply not to put anyone or thing before you. God created us with a drive to survive for a reason. This he did for all living things. Once you put someone or thing before you, you have lost what God gave you. Your chances of survival are then not as great as they were. We were created not to look up or down to anyone. We need not to be tended to like small children. If you do need such attention, you are then going against God’s will. Our drive to survive is God’s way of saying to us go forth and multiply. I have built life and I have given it to you, now do what you must.

God created life so that we may live. All that lives, lives because of him. Each one of us will become part of the rest of us. When the light goes out for us in this life, it shines on in the life of another. Energy created by God never dies it is passed on.  What God created will live on after we are gone. Once a thing is, all things that come from it are based on that thing. That which came first will always be first. It is the base for what is next. With all things, there is a connection. What we do with our life, in some way will have an effect on other lives. The first to be touched will touch someone else.

Each of our lives once set in motion will live on. If you exist at all, it will be. This is so even if we are not born, yet. So go forth with the knowledge and understanding that it is not wrong when you put yourself first, it is right; the way God meant for it to be. If you do not take care of yourself, you cannot take care of anyone else. It is nature, it is the law of survival. Look to your world. When you see or have seen someone you know who put others before them they are the ones who suffer. There is no exception because you have gone against the will of God and the nature of being. I say this for he said it to me. If you are told different, you are told wrong. We are the creation of God.

If I think of you before I think of me, I have the wrong thought.

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