Who is God and What is God to You

Believe It to See It
Believe It to See It

Who is God and What is God to You

When you see the word God, do you think religion? Well, the idea of a God was with us long before religion became a movement. Before this time God was a spirit something or someone to believe in, to call on for help and to give thanks for your blessings.  Spirituality, by my definition, is more a belief in a power that is greater than all other. It is there for when we need what our efforts have been unable to provide. We ask for the strength to carry on. Otherwise, we do it on our own. More than that; though, it is a feeling, a way of thinking whereby the power of God is no more or less the spirit within us.

There are few times when you have to ask for anything. That is, if you believe. You come as you are. You do not have to be a member. No membership is required. Some might, and do, ask why must there even be a God. Why do you need it? I say you do not if you think you do not. You have to believe it to see it. To see it is to understand.

I do not have to look up or go somewhere to see my God. My God is right here with me.


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