Pray About This

This image represents the separation of darkness and light to reveal the infinity of the universe.
Pray That You Have to Pray no More

Pray That You Will No Longer Need to Pray

However, I will say that when you give thanks by praying, it cannot be given often enough, no matter how much you pray.

Belief in a force greater than ourselves will not save us from hurt, pain, or loss–though–it can be a “lifeline” when you need it. It will not meet your basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter. That can only be done by you. Prayer is to help you through to the other side when your hands have gone up and spirit down. It is a bridge over troubled waters not to be worn out by too frequent use. However, I will say that when you give thanks by praying, it cannot be given often enough, no matter how much you pray.

Pray or Not to Pray

For many, prayer is the single reason they have not learned how to find the answer they seek on their own. Prayer is just a step in the “process of hope.” As powerful as prayer is, you have to take action to get where your life is taking you. You must move toward where you want to go. You will not hear the answer when you wait. Prayer will lose its power over time when you do not use your own. And that is your power to think.

Prayer is for when you have done all that you know to do, and the gas hand is on empty. The Creator will let you know when. It will not replace what we must do for ourselves, and the strength you receive from it will not be enough. It has to be matched with your own. Nothing in life will work if you do not do it right.

Help needs help to help

When we pray, we are searching for the answer. Prayer is not what you seek.

  • It is a means to an end, not the end itself
  • It is just a tool we have been given—perfect when used as it should
  • It has to be charged with the strength of will to work–help needs help to help
  • It will be heard only when it needs to be, not because we think it should

    There is nothing we should have more faith in than ourselves. It is a thing that cannot happen, though, at times, we act as if it could. If you think this, you are not alone with this thought. Many believe they must place more trust in someone other than themselves, but we are not made to be that way.

    Our Creator, God, gave us–in abundance–all that his entire creation should need. Prayer is just a call for help when you do not know what to do with what you have. It will not give you what you must give yourself.

    The next move is yours to make. If you pray for just one thing, pray that you will no longer need to pray for an answer. And that you will live your life in a way where you only need to give thanks for your blessings.


    God created us with the tools to create, innovate, survive and flourish–we are self-contained. We have all that we need to live, procreate and grow. We were designed that way so there would be no need for intervention. That is unless we start to destroy the creation. Then, we will see the full power of God. When we get to the point where God has had enough, we will know.  


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